Sylvia Fitzgerald

Rice Patty Restaurant Georgetown, SC

Posted By: Sylvia Fitzgerald In: General
Date: Thu, Aug 5th 2010 11:15 am

Herb and I had dinner Friday night at the Rice Patty in Georgetown. The menu is broad and the food is wonderful. The specialty soup at the Rice Patty is Corn and Shrimp chowder and is wonderful. The Rice Patty in Georgetown has many fish specials, along with steak, chicken and seafood. There is something for everyone. Herb and I had a table in the front corner with a view of the street and shops.  This particular evening a wedding was just finishing up. Georgetown, SC is a quaint little town about 30 minutes south of Myrtle Beach and is rich in history with many shops to enjoy. The locals were out walking their dogs, pushing strollers and enjoying their evening. The next time you are in Georgetown, be sure to stop in to the Rice Patty. You will want to make reservations as they are always busy.